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Paris was the symbolic capital of French Kings, it was the seat of Europe's premier university. In June 1348, the University wrote a compendium outlining understanding of the disease.

Paris was also the center of the French church.

The Seine River connected Paris to the sea. All roads from Paris stretched out in all directions.

Paris was the center of the 100 Years' War in 1348

August 20th, 1348 the first cases of the plague were witnessed, death rose rapidly in the fall and tapered off during the winter. After the winter, it continued again until the fall of 1349.

During the time, strick laws against blasphemy were imposed

  • 1st offense: cut off a lip
  • 2nd offense: cut off other lip and 1/3 of tongue

Story Ideas[edit | edit source]

French Commander upset that the Templars of New won't help defend Paris from the English. Jacques de Volker argues that he won't order his men to fight their own countrymen. The Templars are there to protect the French Army from Vampires, not fight their wars.

Commander argues that when the English attack, they won't protect the Templars. Also stating they don't need them to fight Vampires, and quite sure they don't exist. Jacques challenges him to walk into a dark forest in the night, see if that changes his mind.